ShockWave Birmingham is based in Movement Therapy Clinics - Harborne and provides ShockWave Therapy for common Orthopaedic Conditions
What is Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and what is it good for?

Achilles Tendinopathy

Patella Tendinopathy

Plantar Fasciitis

Gluteal Tendinopathy

Calcific Tendons


We have both the Radial and Focus Shockwave devices at our clinic in Harborne

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a new non-invasive procedure used to treat sufferers of conditions such as shoulder pain, painful heel (plantar fasciitis/Plantar Fasciopathy) , tennis elbow or pain in the Achilles tendon.
What should I expect?
ESWT requires no injections, medication or surgery. You can self refer or be referred by your GP. The Movement Therapy Clinics consultant can start the treatment after your initial assessment. Shockwave is usually offered after a traditional treatment such as physiotherapy, has failed to improve symptoms.

During extracorporeal shock wave therapy high energy sound waves are created and focused on the injury using a special treatment head. Shock waves are repeatedly applied to the injury area to stimulate the healing process in the area which, in some cases, the body is finding it difficult to repair itself. As the tissue is affected by the shock wave the body starts building up new tissue, replicating the body’s own self-healing process.

A course of extracorporeal shock wave therapy usually requires three - six (weekly) sessions, each taking about 30-45 minutes. In addition to the shockwave treatment you will receive advice on retraining of the muscles/tendons related to the symptomatic area.

Following the treatment, in most cases pain should lessen and pain should diminish completely 8-12 weeks after the last session.

Initial Consultation (including treatment) is £120 and subsequent appointments are £85.

Who conducts the treatment?
Mike Grice is a Musculoskeletal Specialist and his main area of expertise is in the delivery of shockwave and creating rehabilitation plans for musculoskeletal conditions. Mike regularly teaches other therapists how to use shockwave in the UK and the US and has over 25 years experience in the Health, Fitness and Rehabilitation field.

Mike teaching in Atlanta, Georgia at their Shockwave masterclass

The shockwave masterclass is a three day course which explains the proposed mechanisms of shockwave, the delivery of shockwave and the use of ultrasound scanning to guide treatment and is designed for Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers and Chiropractors.

We are a Venn Healthcare Training Centre

As a clinic team we have written courses and delivered training to healthcare professionals throughout the UK in the use of both Radial and Focus ShockWave devices

What are the benefits of shockwave?
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy or ESWT offers advantages over traditional surgical methods:

    No anaesthesia
    Non invasive
    No medication
    No surgery
    Fast treatment
    Fewer complications
    Virtually painless after treatment
    Quick recovery and quick results

What are the risks of shockwave?
During the treatment you will experience some discomfort but it should be  tolerable. The potential side effects after the treatment are:

    Numbness in the area
    There is a very small risk of tendon or ligament rupture

All risks will be discussed in full prior to the procedure.
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