ESWT requires no injections, medication or surgery. You can self refer or be referred by your GP. The Movement Therapy Clinics consultant can start the treatment after your initial assessment. Shockwave is usually offered after a traditional treatment such as physiotherapy, has failed to improve symptoms.
During extracorporeal shock wave therapy high energy sound waves are created and focused on the injury using a special treatment head. Shock waves are repeatedly applied to the injury area to stimulate the healing process in the area which, in some cases, the body is finding it difficult to repair itself. As the tissue is affected by the shock wave the body starts building up new tissue, replicating the body’s own self-healing process.
A course of extracorporeal shock wave therapy usually requires three - six (weekly) sessions, each taking about 30-45 minutes. In addition to the shockwave treatment you will receive advice on retraining of the muscles/tendons related to the symptomatic area.
Following the treatment, in most cases pain should lessen and pain should diminish completely 8-12 weeks after the last session.
Initial Consultation (including treatment) is £120 and subsequent appointments are £85.