Learn REAL Anatomy with REAL bodies

Anatomy Lab Workshops with 
LearnAnatomy.Online & Movement Therapy Education

Prosection Workshops

In these workshops the cadavers are already prepared - you will not be dissection the specimens. This is ideal for someone who has not been to the anatomy labs before

Who is it for?

Sports Therapists, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Manual Therapy/Body Workers (anyone with a qualification or interest related to anatomy)

What will I get out of it?

Each University has its own unique qualities. To be allowed access to anatomy labs at any University is a really humbling experience. Thousands of our countries leading doctors and surgeons have had their anatomy training at these labs. You will have unique access to these facilities and be taught and guided by lab technicians supplied by King's College as well as Mike Grice from LearnAnatomy.Online & Movement Therapy Education who is an experienced Therapy practitioner, Anatomist and University Lecturer.

How does the prosection day run?

We take a maximum of 24 students and split them in to two groups. Each group will be assigned a technician and they will guide you through an explanation of the prosected specimens (This is not a dissection workshop - the cadavers are already prepared)

We start the day at 10am and you will need to arrive at 9.30am at the steps of the medical school (KCL)

What will we see?

The quality of the specimens that you see can differ in each visit. Typically we will be able to access and view the following structures:

Full lower limb and upper limb (including all muscles, bones, joints), thorax, viscera, spinal column, nerves of the upper and lower extremity, head and neck. There are also many specimens around the lab that are kept in jars and these are excellent for being able to observe the specific areas in 360 degrees.
Host: Mike Grice
BSc Osteopathy, Clinical Anatomist, Strength and Conditioning

King's College London

We will meet you at the steps of the Medical School at KCL before going in to the labs. We usually have lunch at around 12.30 and at this time you also usually have access to the pathology library. The day usually finishes at 4.30pm
Guy's Campus Map:
Personal Trainer - Teresa
Biomechanics Coach - Tracy
At the weekend I announced to my husband that we are taking a trip down to London to see his brother in March.
Then after listing all the logistics behind the trip that we needed to sort (kids/ dog/ transport/ work/ hotel/ parking/ etc) I then confessed that he would be the one spending time with his brother. I am, in fact, off to geek out for the day on a Cadaver Workshop.

This will be my third time attending the labs and I am possibly even more excited this time round than the previous two. My first time was in 2017. I was so in awe of being able to witness the human body in it’s purest form that the only thing I really remember is seeing the body as a ‘whole’.  Everything was connected with layers upon layers of muscle, nerves, fascia.  And from then on I questioned everything about anatomy that I had learned in my career. A real body is NOTHING like the textbooks. Then in October 2019 I attended another Cadaver Lab, this time in Keele. And this time I was able to see the body not only as a whole, but as the separate parts. I remember being amazed at the sciatic nerve, the size of the which was the same as my finger and which separated in completely different ways than it did in the textbooks that I had studied. I remember seeing how a degenerative knee looked in relation to a ‘normal’ knee with all the ridges on the back of the patella and how it fitted with the ridges on the epicondyles. I remember seeing the thickness of the psoas muscle in the pelvic specimen and how the viscera sat on top, making me question everything I had learned about palpating and massaging this muscle. I remember holding a pelvis with the pelvic floor muscles and thinking how much it looked like a birds nest or a deep woven basket. I remember how the meniscus within the knee looked like a rugby player’s mouth-guard and how rubbery it felt in my hands. I remember observing a specimen that had had a hip replacement, with the psoas muscle being thinner on the side with the replacement and the spine showing evidence of scoliosis.  I remember talking to the lab technicians about the possible tumours on a glute max, how the bicipital ridge was deeper than I thought, how the nerve roots do not always correlate with the books and how not everyone had a palmaris longus. I never thought I could appreciate anatomy any more than I already did, but seeing exactly what lies beneath the surface made me realise just how freakin’ amazing the human body is. So if you ever get a chance to attend a Cadaver Lab…go for it. You will never look at the human body in the same way again. It’s not only a fascinating experience but a humbling one too.
 LearnAnatomy.Online every Monday at 10am
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